The webcomics blog about webcomics

Happy Fleensday

Somewhere in the Encyclopaedia Blogitanica, there’s a rule that says that you have to talk about yourself every once in a while; while we at Fleen try to restrict ourselves to webcomics (at least tangentially), I suppose that an event as significant as an anniversary deserves stepping back from the main topic of conversation.

We got our launch announcement/manifesto/flaming poo-bag from Jon on the 22nd of December last year, and one short-lived shitstorm later, we started registering hits. But unbeknownst to most we’d been writing since the early days of the month, and had actually gone live a week before (an event marked by chirping crickets and the odd yawning dog).

All of which is a roundabout way of saying, “Today is the last day of Fleen’s first year.” Tomorrow the tally rolls over and we’re officially a year old. According to the WordPress™ stats, we’re up to 604 posts (including this one) and 2993 comments as of press time. This is my 336th post in 364 days, which I guess means I didn’t read the once a day, five days a week thing closely enough.

We’ve added and lost and regained writers; we inspired people to start their own webcomics-themed blogs; we’ve made some good friends; we got namechecked in Wired by Scott McCloud and I was personally referred to as NUTTY CRACKERS by the nexus of all webcomics reality. By any objective measure, that makes for a pretty damn good year.

Thanks for reading as we found our footing, and we at Fleen will do our best in the coming year to deserve our spot in your bookmarks.

well done!

Hey, good on ya! You’re required reading! Thanks

Yes. We require that you read us!

A whole year… hmmm… fuck yeah! Congrats on outliving any of my houseplants, and providing more rambunction than the deceased in question.

It’s been a YEAR?
Makes me wonder what the hell I’ve been doing with myself.

congrats, dudes.


Keep on rockin’, fellas.

may there be many more.

Congrats. Next year, I fully expect a special, cheese-based delivery system to be used to beam your content directly to our cheese.

Happy AnniFLEENsary guys!

I could have said FLEENaversary, which would have made more sense, but I’m sticking with my decision.

Y’know, I was going to let your earlier behavior slide, but “annifleensary”? It’s on, Southworth. I’ll see you out behind the internet after class.

I’ll bring the stick. That Southworth needs a good sticking.

Yes! A stick! We’ll stick it to him. He’s very stickable.

If I let you guys stick me, then I gotta let everyone stick me, and my wife be displeased.

At least we’re not sticking your wife Paul.

Or are we?

Wait. If we stick it to Paul, does that make Paul The Man?

I think it makes me the woman.

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