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All This And A Book On The Way

It’s just really hit me how appropriate that Dunning Kruger Solutions, Ltd serves as studio space for both (Latin Heartthrob) Aaron Diaz and Meredith Gran, seeing as how both of them run their comics on a You’ll get a big-ass update when it’s ready schedule. In most cases (for those benighted souls that can’t bother themselves to click on the RSS feed button), having an irregular update would be death to sustaining an audience, but Diaz and Gran manage to make it feel like an event.

All of which is a slightly roundabout way of pointing out that Octopus Pie has updated, with 15 pages jam-packed with goodness. This one’s more than a little melancholy for Eve, gives background utility player Gwen some character development, and is chock-full of Gran’s best work.

Check out page one, where we observe Our Heroine and her boyfriend from within a storefront, rendering everything about them (even their text balloons) grey from the glass. Only in Gran’s New York could a Chuck E. Cheese knockoff have an Apartment Squatter fun zone and animatronic house band that appears to feature a Rock Lobster.

As usual, Gran’s master of posture and expression renders even silent pages full of meaning and story progression, and even the most heartbreaking scenes have to end with a gag.

  • Speaking of ‘pusses, I should note that Mocktopus hit 100 updates. Creator Max Huffman was the youngest webcomicker of note until Malachai Nicolle burst on the scene. Although since Malachai’s part of a writer/artist combo with his brother, it’s maybe worthwhile to note that their average age (17.5) is still greater that Huffman’s (16), so that’s all right.
  • Speaking of things that are all right, the final Scary Go Round book is up for pre-order. I’ve been so invested in Bad Machinëry that I’d nearly forgotten my attachment to Esther, Sarah, The Boy, and the other denizens of Tackleford’s secondary education system, yet there they are jauntily strolling down the lane (slouching down the lane in the case of future van-having man Carrot). As an added bonus, pre-orders will include a minicomic detailing how the heck Erin Winters (erased from memory until she reappeared as a journalist) escaped from Hell.

[…] SuperFogeys this week, right? Plus, Fleen had some awesome things to say and let us know that Scary Go Round can be preordered, among other […]

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