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Welp, There’s My New Twitter Avatar

It started off so innocently, with an unsolicited tweet from Jon Rosenberg:

@fleenguy when you read tomorrow’s SFAM, you may have a question. The answer to that question is “Yes”.

Which naturally left me wondering what the question should be; top contender when I went to bed was, Will you buy me a case of hard liquor and a cupcake for my birthday? Then this morning, the full impact of what Rosenberg meant became apparent: I am Gary!

With those three words, the question obviously became, So Jon, is this a naked attempt to get me to pimp your new reader-participation voting rules for Scenes From A Multiverse, debuting tomorrow (Thursday 26 Aug 2010, that is), in the hopes that my little seemingly-genderless cosmic-unicorn-destroying avatar will finally displace the hated Sciencemaster Adler from his throne?

So, yeah. Everybody be sure to vote for “Gary” in the next poll. And damn you for your manipulative ways, Rosenberg. I shake my fist at you in impotent rage, thusly!

  • In other, less me-abusing news, ’tis the season for webcomickers to travel o’er the oceans wide, landing in the far antipodes. Cases in point: Howard Tayler, who leaves for Melbourne on Saturday, and is doing a meet & greet to celebrate; also, Kaja & Phil Foglio, who are already in Fair Oz and did a signing in Sydney, and will be kicking around various corners of the continent for the next ten days-two weeks. Could it be a coincidence that Foglio & Foglio and Tayler are Down Under in the same time frame as the 68th World Science Fiction Convention (this year in the form of AussieCon4), where they are nominees for the Hugo Award for Best Graphic Story? Could be, rabbit. Could be.
  • Speaking of conventions, Baltimore Comic-Con hits this weekend in Charm City, with the Harvey Awards again containing a category for Best On-Line Comics Work, with mostly the usual suspects nominated. Special props to Scott Kurtz who will again be hosting the awards (and who killed last year), and who is openly campaigning for votes this year (which, let’s face it, everybody does). If Kurtz doesn’t win, I’m imagining a scene like that at the Emmy Awards almost 30 years ago when Eddie Murphy had to announce that he lost in his category, looked straight into the camera and deadpanned, They told me if I hosted, I was gonna win.
  • Lastly, Where the Typos Og heads off into the sunset before wearing out its welcome; Sylvan Migdal’s various projects always go out when at their creative peak, so that’s good. For those more interested in the creator than the specific project, Migdal’s new series starts 6 October at his website.

[…] Welp, There's My New Twitter Avatar – Fleen […]

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